Monday, March 22, 2010

Now on Amazon

I popped online to find that Dedication is now available on! I'm psyched about that, knowing that it's such a major online retailer.

Look out Pandora, you're next!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Things in Motion

While I don't feel that The Kiera Plan is lacking in terms of online presence, I'm always pretty selective about what I post as a blog on MySpace or a note on Facebook. I try for periodic updates and any big information in those places, but I think a standalone blog like this will be a cool way to share more information and more of my personal feelings and experiences with anyone who is interested.

Right now I do have a lot of things in motion, and even more that I'd like to set in motion. Here are a few:

1. I'm trying to get TKP into a national magazine. This photo was from a photoshoot last spring, and is what I used as an "official" pic. Two former bandmates were actually in the shot, and I had to had my homie Doug edit them out since I wasn't going to have a chance to do another photoshoot anytime soon. I have love for those two, but they aren't in the group anymore (nor were they on the album) so it would've been confusing.

2. Also in progress is a mission to get the CD up for sale on Amazon, which is a prerequisite for inclusion on Pandora (which I think is super-awesome and would be psyched to be on).

3. The same people who run the Warped Tour contest, which paid off big for TKP last summer, are doing a contest for the chance to record with Slash from Guns N' Roses. In eighth grade my favorite song was "November Rain," so it'd be pretty unbelievable to have Slash on a Kiera Plan single. With nothing to lose, and little to set up, I put The Kiera Plan in the mix. If you signed up to vote for us last summer, you can use your same account. If not, you would need to set one up. Once you're set up though, it's super easy to just hit up the site and click your vote for TKP once a day. If you are down to help out by voting, that would be amazing (as obviously are you). The site is called if you'd like to help out.

4. As I've said eleswhere, I'm working on music for album two. I met someone while I was stocking shelves Friday night who has Dedication, and digs it. She said, "you should make another album." Lady I met in the water aisle, I am on it.

5. I'm looking for bandmates. I happily embrace the Shawn-centric nature of this project: I enjoy that freedom, and I'm proud of what I do. However, I miss having a team, and I miss being able to bring the music more fully to life live. The trick is that, after having a lot of people in and out, I know that this isn't a good fit for just anybody, and so I'm screening carefully to save people time. When someone is out, it always feels like a break-up, and I don't enjoy that feeling at all. I want people to have fun; I don't want them to get hurt. So, I'm being really careful to bring in the right people, who I think could be almost as happy doing this as I am. Problem is that means this could take a while. Until then, just call me Shawn Solo.

More on me and more on TKP very soon.

Thanks so much for reading!
