Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What’s next?

The first question is probably more like: “Where have you been?” So I’ll say that it’s been an action-packed year for me outside the musical sphere, complete with the highest highs and the lowest lows. The lows have involved, and continue to involve, job stuff. Long story short I have no permanent gig yet, and so there is a lot of nail biting. Whether it’s the job search, or working two temporary jobs to get by, this issue has demanded the lion’s share of my time and energy. Fortunately, that didn’t stop it from being the best year ever because just over a week ago, a lovely young woman named Ann made me the happiest person in existence by signing on as my wife. I can’t tell you how lucky and inspired I feel to be able to share my life with her. “Completed” never felt more appropriate.

So, my mysterious disappearance having been explained, what is next for The Kiera Plan? I don’t know exactly, because the crazy job situation is still a pretty mountainous life obstacle. However, I can say this: I miss music, and I look forward to getting back to a more active TKP status. There were a few shows throughout the year, but I haven’t had anybody else performing with me since Warped last summer. So, getting back to a full band set up and rocking live is definitely high up on my wish list.

In the little time I’ve had this year, I have been working on a bunch of new material. My thought is that this stuff is all in contention for album two. My best man and illustrious drummer John Collier will be back playing drums and arranging songs with me in the near future. I feel like we have a pretty clear vision of what we’d like this next album to be, and I have some interesting new thoughts on how we might put it all together.

So, what is next for The Kiera Plan is definitely pre-production (writing, arranging, demoing, etc.) for the second album. What is hopefully on deck as well is somehow or someway getting some other people involved in bringing the music back to the live stage.

I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your interest and support. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on all things TKP both here and on Facebook (or whatever social networking site might dethrone it as the place to be).

Best wishes from your boy.
