Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Never Underestimate the Value of Kickin’ It Old School

In keeping it old school, here is one of John and Shawn outside the studio way back in 2005
I’ve spent a fair bit of time over the last couple of years both lamenting the fall of MySpace, and complaining about the constant frustration of trying to use ill-suited Facebook to promote our band.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s not Facebook’s fault.   Facebook was created as a sort of online yearbook for lonely single people, and I assume that it still works well for them today – just not for bands.  The band stuff on Facebook was kind of an afterthought, and the resulting chaos means that a band has to fight the site for every basic thing it would like to do (fact: I would need to scan and upload my driver’s license for permission to upload a KP video directly to Facebook).   MySpace, on the other hand, was created specifically so that any person (let alone a band of people) with enough money to buy a guitar could easily and intuitively bury their friends’ MySpace inboxes in so many requests and event invitations that it would be impossible for those friends not to acknowledge that person’s possession of said guitar.  All you needed was that ax and that MySpace, and you were set.  Having three guitars, you can imagine how happily occupied with self-promotion I was back in the glory days when MySpace was still a thing. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back at It / Free Music

l-r: your boys John Collier and Shawn O'Brien
John and I are officially back at it, working on new material for Kiera Plan Album Two.  Right now there are a lot of songs in contention for a spot on this next record, and if you’ve been to any of the last few shows then you’ve heard one or two of these contenders.  We’re still so proud of the Dedication album that it’s that much more exciting to be building up the catalog.

In fact, I was so excited that I couldn’t wait for album readiness to hit the studio.  I popped down to The Skylight Studio a couple weeks ago with our all-star producer Vince Ratti to start work on a new track.  We released a couple of singles while we were working on the last record, and I really liked the way that worked out.  The track I just started recording isn’t finished, but just know that we’ve got new music coming your way sooner than you might think.

Meanwhile, we’re really trying to get some buzz going and introduce more people to The Kiera Plan. So from now until the end of 2010, we’ll be giving out a free MP3 to everyone who wants one.  All eleven songs from Dedication are streaming on our Facebook and ReverbNation pages.  You can check them out, and pick your favorite.  Then just e-mail the name of your favorite TKP song to us at tkprock@gmail.com, and we’ll send you that song for free.

So feel free to get your free MP3 today!  And please let your friends know that we have a free song waiting with their name on it.  We want to spread the love.

Thank you so much for your support!
