Saturday, January 22, 2011

Making History

It's actually one of the first questions I get asked when someone finds out that I'm in a band: "what kind of places do you play?"  This question is tough, because with The Kiera Plan, I've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to play in a number of different kinds of places. 

So I'm really excited about the new Kiera Plan Show History we've put together on our website.  It gives the full breakdown for every show we've ever played.  And with some of the notes I've added, a quick browse through the history gives even more of an idea of The Kiera Plan than our bio alone could.

Please check it out if you get a chance.  And if you have any memories from these shows that you'd like to share, we would love to hear them.  Feel free to e-mail us at:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/11/11 (Are You Ready?) under construction
Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope you all had a great holiday season.  For The Kiera Plan, 2011 is a year where we're going to be swinging for the fences.  We're going to step it up in every way possible this year.  Like Diddy always used to say, "We can't stop, 'cause we won't stop."  [Heck yeah!  That's what I'm talking about! 2011-style!]

We'll be starting not stopping with the internet. On January 11th, or the numerically exciting 1/11/11, we're officially launching  We'll be bringing you music, videos, pictures, and all kinds of fun and excitement like never before!  So mark your calendar, and get ready for the next level!

But the website isn't the only thing excitedly under construction: on New Year's Eve, I was back at The Skylight Studio with my man (and sonic magician) Vince Ratti, putting the finishing touches on a BRAND NEW SONG!

Shawn in the studio cooking up a new track.

We're well into writing album two, but I couldn't wait for those sessions to bring you some new music.  So, we're just a touch of post-production and the right moment away from the next entry in the soon-to-be epic Kiera Catalog!

There's so much in store for the new year, and having been infected with an exceptionally go-getitive spirit, I'll be back with more news pre-launch.

For now, thanks for ruling!
