Friday, July 30, 2010

Pandora Opens Unto TKP

I just found out that The Kiera Plan's Dedication has been accepted into Pandora. This is incredibly exciting for at least three main reasons:

1. Pandora is a fun way to find new music. I've used and enjoyed it for several years now, and I'm very grateful that I'll be able to be involved with this awesome service.

2. A lot of people use Pandora. These people might like The Kiera Plan, but they don't know it yet. They are about to find out.

3. We will finally be able to answer the question: "Who do you guys sound like?" with confidence. The good people at Pandora have made a science of analyzing music (so they can suggest similar music to listeners). When they weigh in, the results will be official.

The album is on its way to Oakland for processing now, but it will be a couple months until The Kiera Plan actually pops up. Trust that your boy Shawn will provide you with an excited, exclamation-point-filled, status update when The Kiera Plan goes live.

Speaking of going live, stay tuned for more on the next show which is coming up on Friday August 13th at St. Paul's in Levittown, PA.

For now, thanks for reading.
